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Does your technical information create business benefits?

Digital technical information can create value for both your company and your users. Our test helps you to find out how far you have come on the digitisation journey and what you can do to take the next step.

Click on the yellow plus signs to see the value added with each step

Digitala Trappan

Cost-effective product information operations

Total cost can be decreased with 20% to 30% through higher degree of re-use of information, improved translation management and increased automation of processes.

Reduced time searching for information

Service technicians spend up to 10% of their time searching for information.

Reduced wear and tear and unplanned stops

Customer example: “I would say that 70% of all unplanned stops are operator-related.”

Faster and cost-efficient problem solving

Reduction of time to identify the root cause of a fault can be up to 50% and time to rectify the fault up to 75% using digital product information.

Increased spare parts sales

Spare parts penetration rates of 80-90% can be achieved when digital information makes it easier to order OEM parts than other.

Reduced need for support

Need for support can be reduced 20% with easy access self-service technical information.


At Aleido, we specialise in helping you to get the most out of your aftermarket business by providing the right information, in the right format, to the right people – exactly when they need it. Thanks to our extensive experience in digitising technical information for our customers, we have been able to develop the digitisation staircase, a way for them to clearly see where they are in the digitisation journey and what values ​​they can create by making a conscious move upwards. The staircase helps customers understand where they are today, where they want to be and what values ​​they want to create.

Are you ready to take the next step? Complete our simple quiz below or get in touch with us to learn more.


  • Contact

    Do you want to know more?

    Lars Löfgren

    Business development manager

    Aftermarket information

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    Join a people-oriented, collaborative, and forward-thinking environment where your skills and perspectives are valued. We are the people who make the advanced simply understood.