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Information management

Find your documents and data fast. With information management, every asset is where it should be, freeing you time to focus on your business instead of searching for documents or double-checking their content.

A prerequisite for digitalisation

Turn your data and document management into a strategic asset for your business. With cutting-edge digital tools, robust metadata, and well-defined frameworks for document and data placement, you and your colleagues will quickly find the information you’re looking for. You can also trust the information, as duplicates are removed and versions are structured.

Our Information Management solution streamlines the creation, organisation, sharing, and storage of information. Digitalising and organising your data effectively also makes it easier to digitalise other areas of your business.

We structure our offering into three categories, each designed to address specific business needs:

Data management

Effectively manage all data within the organisation, such as product data, customer data and project-related data.

Document management

Streamline all aspects related to handling documents, governance, creation and storage as well as disposal of documents.

Configuration management

Implement robust governance and processes to ensure that software and hardware products still operate as expected when changes are made over time.

case studies

For over a decade, we have been the trusted information managers for a major actor in the energy sector. Running multiple projects in parallel gives synergies in competencies and the actual project information deliveries. With our support, our customer has successfully implemented a complete document and data management processes in all projects at their power plant. It has made their projects more efficient and improved documentation and data quality.

Communicating the reason behind any information requirement while having a pragmatic approach have been two success factors to get everyone onboard and adopt the processes, which is key to get the positive effects from information management.

We support the energy company with:

  • Delivering high quality document packages to facility owners in upgrade and maintenance projects.
  • Developing regulatory-compliant document management procedures.
  • Identifying document requirements for suppliers in business agreements.
  • Supporting project members to handle and deliver document and data according to requirements.
  • Supporting users in document management and data systems.

We have created a streamlined document management process for automotive engineers, freeing them to focus on mechanical construction rather than document handling. The process follows a standardized workflow, ensuring documents are stored correctly in accordance with industry standards. This makes the documents more reliable, reduces duplicates, simplifies information retrieval, and saves time spent searching for information.

Compliance will last if you can see the value of the process, so we have helped the organisation clearly see the benefits of working according to the document management process. We also support the company with document control for the quality assurance of documents and data in delivery projects.

A proactive partner

We make Information Management strategic through proactivity, communication, and leadership. With our long experience in helping companies get organised, we quickly adapt and deliver results. We can take on roles like Document Lead, Document Controller, or Document Manager if needed. When you want to focus on your core business, we can manage all aspects of your information management.

If it’s hard to find the right information, time-savings will be huge once document and data are managed and stored in a structured way. We develop processes and governance to make it happen. We like to take full responsibility, and often act project managers developing strategies, driving change and spreading best practice.

Do you need to strengthen your organisation with consultants from time to time, e.g. when you get big orders? Or do you plan to expand or upgrade your facility and need to keep track of all information in the project? We are ready to step in, as one in your team or with full responsibility of your document management.

Take the next step…

How much time can we save you and your organisation, from searching for documents? Reach out to discuss your needs, using our contact details below. If you want to talk to our customers first-hand and hear about the benefits of our work, we look forward to connecting you.


Interested in our services?

Gustav Tempelman

General Manager Aftermarket Information Sweden