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Graphics, video and animation

Presenting information through dynamic visuals and media appeals to different learning styles and creates deeper understanding.

Enhance engagement

Engage learners in difficult and complex topics, break down big ideas, and make learning more accessible. Powerful learning-focused graphics, video and animated content integrate with digital and blended learning solutions and add learning impact across presentations and digital campaigns.


Bringing learning to life

Aleido produces stunning and effective infographics and has the expert knowledge and equipment to shoot high quality photos. Bespoke graphics add to learner enjoyment, help to simplify data and complex information, and make training materials more memorable.

Whether it’s a photo, diagram, flowchart, timeline or illustration, our creative graphics team will design a resource for print outputs, digital delivery or convert graphics into interactive exploratory tools.

Aleido develops powerful video-based learning tools to suit different needs and budgets.

Videos can add drama and create emotional connection, offer practical demonstrations and present realistic case studies and scenarios.

Our expert video learning services range from simple recorded Zoom interviews and studio-filmed talking heads to fully dramatised productions with professional crew and 360° video for virtual reality.

They say a picture can paint a thousand words – even better if it moves!

Illustrated animations can add to the delight of the learning experience as well as simplify complex topics and portray sensitive information that is not possible to show on film.

Aleido’s expert team builds all types of animated learning resources, from dynamic transitions between photography and illustrated imagery, through to cartoons and photorealistic 3D movies and product visualisations.

We create original content or we can repurpose your CAD data.


Interested in our services? We'd love to hear from you...

Alison Riggott

Project Manager

Aleido Learning UK