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What are you looking for?

Learning roll-out support

A carefully planned roll-out of your learning programme maximises its positive impact.

Get the best out of your learning programme

Effective e-learning modules and a well-designed learning platform are key to learning success. But there is more!

A good roll-out makes your target group aware of the learning, motivates them to do it and helps them understand how to use it in their daily work. Framing a training programme with preparation and follow-up activities boosts learning outcomes and drives positive change.

Our skilled learning advisors can help you to plan your roll-out strategy and support you on the journey to get the best results.

Drive learner engagement

Creative media with targeted messaging drives engagement with your learning resources and supports your learning programme roll-out.

Aleido’s experienced graphic artists and content creators produce eye-catching and imaginative marketing collateral that resonates with your learners and keeps your learning programme front of mind. Our marketing portfolio includes websites and games, email and social media content, videos and multimedia assets, print materials and live events.

Aleido’s roll-out support can include:

  • Pre-launch support communications for participants and managers
  • Follow-up materials such as support resources or workshop exercises
  • Guidance for managers on how to follow-up and support their team
  • Measurement and analysis of learning impact


Interested in our services? We'd love to hear from you...

Andy Wiles

Head of Sales

Aleido Learning UK