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Learning design

Does your team need support to develop learning materials and training approaches that can increase your efficiency and drive change? Our learning designers can help.

Design for impact

Good learning design is key to a successful learning strategy. Your strategy defines goals that will help you to get where you want to go. Well-designed training courses and smart learning delivery platforms are the tools you need to implement your strategy.

Learning design support includes:

  • Defining learning objectives
  • Creating visual guidelines and design templates
  • Defining a writing style and tone of voice
  • Accessibility advise
  • Recommending learning methods, activities, and assessments
  • Suggesting appropriate authoring tools and learning platforms
  • Guidance on learning evaluation methods

Aleido can help you to develop course creation templates, training processes and delivery guidelines to achieve high-quality and consistent learning across your organisation. We can also support you with the creation of bespoke courses or programmes that need a unique learning design approach.

Our service will give everyone working in your learning and development team the right tools to work consistently and efficiently.

Get advice from our learning experts

At Aleido, we have the experts to support and advise you to design learning experiences that have maximum learning impact. This includes experts in instructional design, accessibility, graphic design, development and learning management systems.

Our experts are well-versed in established learning theories and methods and actively track the latest learning trends, so you can benefit from the best of learning industry expertise.


Interested in our services?

Peter Kiss

Country Manager Hungary

Erik Baljeu Djurback

General Manager Learning Solutions