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What are you looking for?

Fundamental management skills

Fast-paced and fun bitesize modules for team leaders, supervisors and managers.


Aleido has designed a ready-made suite of e-learning modules for aspiring junior managers and team leaders. Our fundamentals modules give learners the top twenty core skills and behaviours they need to become successful leaders.

In contrast to most management courses that are set in an office-based environment, our characters, scenarios and tasks are all environment- and sector-neutral.

Available to study on a computer, tablet or mobile, you can launch course content easily from your own learning management system, or we can provide our simple learning platform as part of the package.

  • Communication and influencing skills
  • Personal development
  • Management and leadership
  • Team development
  • Great meetings and presentations


Interested in our services? We'd love to hear from you...

Jack Baker

Marketing and Sales Manager

Aleido Learning UK