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Design treatments

The best e-learning is clear, concise and relevant – focussed on driving the change you need.

What is e-learning?

E-learning design treatments vary in sophistication and complexity. They range from conventional tutorial type e-learning that uses a limited number of screen or component types to present text, imagery and simple interactions in a consistent and uniform way, through to fully immersive, experiential solutions that put the learner in full control, include sophisticated instructional design techniques and interactions, and often incorporate rich media such as audio, animation, video or 3D graphics.

Aleido is a genuine bespoke developer with over 30 years’ experience. We have created bespoke e-learning covering topics ranging from the most straightforward to the most complex and sensitive. Whatever your subject matter, and whichever approach we use, you can be sure that our solution will be interactive, engaging and above all, specifically designed to drive the change you need.


We focus on your content first. We consider its scope, its complexity and what you are trying to achieve – your aim and objectives.

This sounds obvious, but all too often it’s overlooked. Commissioners of bespoke e-learning are frequently tempted into thinking about things that are perceived to be more exciting – like branding, look and feel or which types of media they’d like to see, and whilst these elements are important to get right, we believe that ‘content is king’. After all, we can design the most beautifully attractive piece of e-learning in the world, complete with all the rich media ‘bells and whistles’ possible, but if the content is sub-standard, or the instructional design is weak, it will almost certainly fail.

Our baseline-plus model

At Aleido, we’ve developed a baseline-plus model, which encapsulates our ‘content first’ philosophy. The model groups bespoke e-learning into three broad categories or solution types.

You want to provide your learners with new knowledge or information, and it’s important to deliver a clear and consistent message. Baseline solutions adopt an informative design treatment, with a limited number of presentational and formative interactions, and are linear in structure.

Typical examples include product knowledge, general awareness or communication campaigns, pre-course underpinning knowledge and post-course refreshers.

You want to provide your learners with new knowledge, information or skills and you want them to apply or practise those newly acquired competences within the context of realistic work-based situations.

Baseline+ solutions adopt a scenario or simulation-based treatment, combining a wide range of presentational and formative interactions with contextual examples, stories and case studies. They can also incorporate test-to-teach techniques, simple branching and gamification, where appropriate.

Examples include practical and contextual application of legislation or policies, procedures or guidelines, health and safety, customer care, communication skills and IT system simulation.

You want your learners to absorb, understand and process newly acquired knowledge before applying it. Typically, learners need to interpret information or data and make subjective decisions, for which there may not always be a simple, clear-cut answer. Subject matter may be complex, sensitive, technical or otherwise challenging.

Baseline++ solutions adopt an immersive design treatment, combining clear and concise interactive presentation with challenging formative activities and contextual scenarios or simulations requiring interpretation, reflective thought and multiple subjective decisions. They often incorporate immersive environments, a mix of simple and complex branching, custom functionality and gamification, where appropriate.

Examples include strategic thinking, technical, complex or high-risk processes or skills, management/leadership and machine or equipment simulations.


All solution types will include photography and/or bespoke graphics and illustrations. Additionally, assuming we have the budget, we offer options for adding rich media, including audio, animation, video and photorealistic 3D. It’s important, however, to remember that we do not rely on rich media to engage the learner; we only recommend its inclusion where it genuinely enhances the learning experience.


Interested in our services? We'd love to hear from you...

Andy Wiles

Department Manager

Aleido Learning UK