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Result: user-focused

You have come a long way. Your technical information creates value both for your company and your various users.

Aleidos digitaliseringstrappa

Take the next step:

The next step is to ensure that your information is event- and context-driven. This means that it is driven by product or system status, for example, predictive maintenance or an error code via IoT. At the same time, the information is adapted to the user's context, for example a location, product configuration or skill level. This allows you to further maximise productivity and customer loyalty. Meanwhile, you can create new services in aftermarket business. In many cases, it may be relevant to apply a generative AI solution, e.g. a chatbot, so that users get answers to technical questions and problems quickly and easily.

Many people are often surprised at how event- and context-driven information can help create business value. Here are some benefits:

  • helps service technicians identify a fault and how to fix it quicker, which often improves productivity
  • reduces the need for expensive support by providing searchable and easy access
  • reduces costly warranty cases such as incorrect installation
  • minimises time spent looking for information

We can help in several ways to enable you to take the next step. For example, through a half-day workshop to create a common picture of where you want to be, what benefits you want to accomplish and, based on your circumstances, define a way forward.

We know from experience that it is usually effective to conduct a “proof of concept” in some form. That is, to a limited extent, to validate a tool chain, the information’s content and structure as well as availability in digital interfaces, for example: web, app and HMI.

Why not start with a short meeting to discuss your current situation and find out what others have done to move forward?

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