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Elegant manuals strengthens customer experience

Electric boat manufacturer X Shore wanted its customers to experience sustainable luxury in every encounter with the company. But the user manual had fallen behind – usability-wise, aesthetically and environmentally. With Aleido’s help, the product information has caught up with the brand – and has the potential to make the boats even more sustainable.

When X Shore reached out to Aleido, the draft user manual was in word format and left much to be desired in terms of usability and appearance. A visit aboard X Shore’s Eelex 8000 got the Aleido team familiar with the terminology and various operations to perform while at sea.


After learning from X Shore about the target group, Aleido reviewed the draft manual and gave recommendations on how to improve it, all in order to meet the users’ expectations of an exclusive boat that is easy to maintain, while fulfilling the regulatory requirements.

Carrying through the recommendations resulted in an elegant manual that is easy to navigate, with a straight-forward structure, shorter texts, and visual overviews. Usually, it is easier to follow visual instructions than text. That is why X Shore now considers spreading image-driven product information to professional roles such as assembly operators and service technicians. The company also sees how the user information can be reused for other types of documentation.


Besides the user manual, Aleido’s delivery included examples of what the information might look like on digital platforms such as an app or X Shore’s website. Since the information has been created to be shared digitally, going from print to digital user information is now a much easier step to take. When printed manuals are no-longer needed there is also an environmental benefit, which is well in line with the company’s vision of emission-free boating.

It is meaningful to work with a product with such a strong sustainability focus and to be able to help X Shore further in that direction.

Kajsa Palm, senior visual designer at Aleido


The project spurred a curiosity for integrating the user manual in the boat display, which would make the boats even easier to manage, and to make the product information event-driven. In such case, e.g. an error code can trigger a guided fault-tracing that helps the user to find and correct the error, step-by-step. With product information as a new tool in the repertoire, X Shore continues its journey towards a more sustainable and user-friendly life at sea.


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General Manager Aftermarket Information Sweden