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E-learning to increase digitalisation in the public sector

How can digitalisation within municipalities and regions become more effortless and fun? With new skills developing training, Aleido supports thousands of people in the public sector – all to make it easier to digitalise their operations.

The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR) reached out to Aleido to develop a national elearning for digitalising the public sector, as a part of their Digital Maturity initiative. The elearning, which is aimed towards officials and politicians, focuses on the evidence-based model Digital Maturity in Public Secotor (DiMiOS), which is used by over 130 municipalities and regions in Sweden.

We are of course very proud to be part of SALAR’s major initiative.

Therese Lantz, project leader at Aleido

Julia Larsson, project manager at Adda, a company owned by SALAR, explains:

– Talking and learning about digitalisation can be hard. That’s why we wanted to create a course that would be fun and easy to undergo. Aleido has done an excellent job in finding the right balance: By mixing films, text and interactive steps, we manage to keep the participants’ engagement and curiosity throughout the course.


The project has involved stakeholders from both the municipalities’ various public service functions and the regions, with many aspects to take into account. Clear and shared guidelines for communication and governance has been vital in order to keep up speed in the project, avoid misunderstandings and make quick decisions when needed.

We are very pleased with the cooperation and the project manager at Aleido has held the project together in an excellent way: In a project like this, with so many stakeholders, there are a lot of parameters to keep track of.

Julia Larsson, project manager at Adda (SALAR)

Up to the beginning of December 2021, roughly 220 people had taken the course. The elearning is offered for free through the Digital Maturity initiative until December 2022 and 12,000 people are expected to complete it.

“Skills development is of highest importance. This adds huge value to a large number of users! We have received very positive feedback, both regarding the layout and the content of the elearning – we are thrilled, says Julia Larsson

Our delivery includes

  • Project management and advisory to develop an e-learning
  • Graphics, films and written content
  • Development of interactive training material


Interested in our services?

Erik Baljeu Djurback

General Manager Learning Solutions